PAGE 4 (Graeme Hall Swamp)
[68K] This is Graeme Hall swamp in Christ Church. See more recent photos of the Graeme Hall Nature Snctuary HERE
[53K] It has served as a sanctuary for migrating birds
and teems with insects and other forms of tropical life.
[49K] Unfortunately for
nature lovers (and the wildlife!) it has been shrinking steadily over the years, the
result of both reduced rainfall and land reclamation projects.
[105K] This quiet waterway has a pleasing solitude about it and the reflection
makes it difficult to tell where the foliage meets the water.
[111K] Mangrove swamps are peculiar to the Caribbean..... and the biological nature of the mangrove plant has been a subject
for scientific research..... in this photo the mangrove drops it tendrils from above into the water/soil mix.
[88K] This picture and the ones below were taken recently (1997).... the swamp has been purchased by private interest... in order
to preserve it from extinction... I understand that after some more "landscaping", visitors and locals will be able to visit for the usual "entance fee"
... similar to other parks and zoos.
[83K] One disadvantage of the scheme is that it will exclude the young man in this photo... who although PENNILESS....
can still enjoy a natural pleasure of our heritage... he has been fishing in the swamp, since he was 8 years old... and will not be able to
appreciate the need to "develop" the swamp!
[45K] Here is an example of the type of fish which can be caught in the swamp.... I understand that fishing may not be permitted
after the swamp is "renovated"... this may be necessary to avoid depletion of the fish which provide the food for the birds... whose numbers
have increased since shooting them was prohibited !
[66K] Actually, if the swamp had just been LEFT ALONE..... nature would have taken care of itself... the wild bush would have grown so thick
that only a few "wild" kids and nature freaks would have had the will to penetrate it... so the small number of people fishing (or shooting birds) would
not have had a significant impact on the ecology.
[42K] This photo looks more like a lake in Switzerland, than a swamp in the Caribbean and reveals how photography can be
used to mis-represent reality.... reality is important at the Barbados Photo Gallery.
[57K] I am concerned that Barbados is becoming a "rich man's" playground for foreigners... the Barbados Photo Gallery by exposing
the natural beauty of Barbados... certainly attracts tourists... as well as potential investors and immigrants... all with their own private agendas.
Worldwide the environment is under seige.... from an exploding population of selfish human beings !
Given the circumstances, I can only thank the "private investor" for saving the swamp.... from others who would have eliminated it entirely !
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© copyright 1995-98 Stephen E. Mendes, Barbados.